2. Download & instle NET Framework 2.0
3. Download & instle blackberry Operating System/flashfile which blackberry phone model you want to unlock , from here
also dont forget to Delete the vendor.xml file located in c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader
4. Download & instle MFI Multiloader
5. Download all parts for MULTILOADER & Unzip all parts and copy to "C:\MML" - Overwrite all files there
6. Disconnect internet from your pc or you can do without disconnect internet by replace Configuration file
Now you ready to do your job
Open MFI Multiloader shorcut on your pc and connect your blackberry and wait untaill show pass
then your phone should be like this on bb screen
Now disconnect your blackberry from pc then type START to out cal mode then you will see error 507 , bla bla etc
Connect your blackberry then open blackberry desktop manager read & do point no 3. how To update/ReInstall BlackBerry Operating System ? from blackberry faq in sticky
Congratulations your blackberry unlock done by free with MFI Multiloder , You can now repalce your SIM and Memory card and set up your phone the way you like it.